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Black & White 2 patch v1.1

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Tiedostotyyppi: Päivitykset

The Black and White 2 patch v1.1 addresses the issues with save games and improves the gameplay.

Patch details:

A known issue with this patch is with the save system. Save games from the retail version of Black & White 2 (i.e. Version 1.0), are not compatible with the v1.1 patch. If you have old save games, it is recommended that they are removed from your 'My Documents'->'Black & White 2'->'Profiles' folder before starting a new game with the patch. This will then prevent any conflicting problems between the two sets of save games. The above procedure isn't vital, it is just advised. The patch is not vital either.

Other than that, enjoy the game! We do hope to release a v1.2 patch at some point in the (near) future, which will address a few niggles that we would like to fix (and we hope that the v1.2 patch will be compatible with v1.1 save games). If you have anything that you would like to see fixed for the v1.2 patch, or would like to give any feedback on the game and how you would improve it, please login/sign-up to our boards and join our Community. If you wish to express your love for the game (positives are just as important as the negatives as it lets us know what we've done right), go here. If you want to vent your spleen and tell us what you don't like, or what you would like to see improved, go here.

'Black & White Studios', Lionhead Studios.

Lisätty 29.3.2006
Latauksia 840 
Tiedoston koko 106,47 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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