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Stronghold Legends v1.2 Patch

Pisteet: 4.00
Tiedostotyyppi: Päivitykset

This patch upgrades Stronghold Legends to v1.2 with number of bugs fixes, gameplay tweaks and balances, and few new features including freebuild mode, player awards.

Patch details:

Stronghold Legend by Firefly Studios - retail v1.2 patch

Upgrade Stronghold Legends to v1.2 with this patch. This update offers a
variety of fixes for the game.

Fixes in v1.2:

New Features:

- Freebuild Mode implemented. Press F1 to launch an invasion.
- Single & Multiplayer awards implemented. Trophies are awarded for various
economic and military achievements and stored in the awards cabinet in the
options menu.
- In multiplayer (human only games) you can now turn off fantasy and magical
- Basic multiplayer chat lobby implemented.
- The host can lock all players' alignments to the same as the host's
alignment. Right click on your alignment to lock all factions.
- The 1-9 keys have been assigned for troop rally points (when the building is
- You can now edit the data.csv file to customise the game in single player
(this will not affect multiplayer).
- Mounted units will automatically dismount when commanded to move on top of
walls and buildings. When the unit is commanded down from the wall or building
they will automatically remount their horse.
- New siege tower system - When moving a siege tower, the troops on top of the
siege tower will no longer dismount. To dismount troops from a siege tower
ensure only the troops (and not the siege tower) are selected.
- Guard option now implemented - To guard a unit, select a unit/group of units,
click the guard button and then click on the unit you wish to guard. Wherever
that unit moves or attacks, the guarding units will follow/guard the unit.
- Players can select their player colour in multiplayer and custom skirmish.
- When a building stops working a yellow exclamation mark will appear above the
building indicating there are no resources available to keep the building
functioning or not enough space available to store the resources it has
- Players can delete save games and user created maps within the game.
- You can change your sound settings during multiplayer games.
- Enchanted orbs cause splash damage.
- An option to turn off tooltips has been added.
- "I" key now opens the Castle Kitchen Panel.
- In-game menu buttons have been added allowing users to quit to previous game
- Cows now "splat" on landing when launched from a trebuchet!

Bug Fixes

- Screenshots can now be taken using Alt + Q.
- Archers and crossbowmen will now move within range when commanded to attack
an enemy.
- Archers can now push ladders off walls.
- Player can no longer delete buildings when an enemy is nearby.
- AI witches will move to attack when being targeted from the keep.
- AI troops now try and stop you converting nearby troops using the creeper.
- Bats harassing has been improved.
- Structures change territory colour when the territory is changed around
- Demonic bats no longer slam into the side of the Keep, knocking units off of
the top of the Keep.
- Catapults targeting gatehouses improved.
- The Character Marker Proximity trigger for Dietrich, Arthur, and Vlad has
been fixed.
- At the start of chapter 3 of the Arthur campaign, narrator no longer says
"People are coming to the castle".
- End of mission voice-over will no longer play over the next mission's story
introduction screen.
- The user does not gain half wood back from a man trap or killing pit once it
has been used then deleted.
- The Dragon timing out and dying in Legends Trail map works correctly.
- Industry structures stop working when the units operating them are frozen.
- Narrator now completes all victory speech.
- Issues with the crystal ball binks have been fixed.
- Lancelot no longer says "My Lord we cannot ride atop the walls" when he is
not on a horse in the Lancelot chapter.
- Building a wall in front of an oil tipper issue fixed.
- Sir Bedivere's speech at the end of the first campaign no longer runs into
the following cut scene.
- Fafnir no longer has the same description as other dragon emplacements.
- The number of troops that have used an ice tunnel now displays correctly.
- Player's werewolves will not disappear when they launched into an opposing
siege camp.
- Issue when placing moat continuously is now fixed.
- The default sound levels have been lowered.
- The user interface flickering while holding TAB key has been improved.
- Issue with textbox from last mission appearing at beginning of the next
mission fixed.
- Infinite wall through towers has been fixed.
- Estates now display correctly in the mini-map using the carter's post.
- Castle kitchen no longer turns red when targeting using a dragon.
- You can no longer launch werewolves into water.
- The mouse cursor now changes to a "crossed-out" symbol when attempting to
order frost giants to pass through ice tunnels.
- Issue with Vlad placing the incorrect buildings is fixed.
- Issues with buying unavailable goods using the market slider are fixed.
- Witches will no longer fire through top of the keep.
- Firing continuous infernal balls exploit has been resolved.
- User is now able to click anywhere on barracks slider to snap to that point.
- The issue with map order resetting after being arranged is resolved.
- Various text cut-offs and tooltip boxes improved.
- Siege equipment spawning in invasions improved.
- Audio to tell player they have no available peasants implemented.
- Demonic Bats can now be ordered to stand ground so they will not attack
nearby enemy troops.
- Issue with troops floating in mid-air on destroyed towers has been fixed.
- Rally points for dragons are fixed.
- Rally Points for the Knights of the Round Table have individual character
- Stake hurler, ballista and orb only have the stand ground option.
- Polar bears cannot use siege towers.
- Random events now appear in the happiness menu.
- Arrow keys can be used to scroll load/save screens.
- Troops no longer get stuck when placing a gatehouse over them.
- The player can no longer control rogue werewolves and outlaws once they have
been killed in multiplayer mode.
- Players can no longer gain back half the resources from buildings that were
free, such as a free stockpile, woodcamp and ox tether, in multiplayer mode.
- Multiplayer - New players joining a lobby no longer shifts the starting
positions around.
- Multiplayer - Using Lord's power or hatching a dragon while the chat window
is open.
- Multiplayer - The host can no longer start a game when changing to Economic
War with only AI opponents.
- Multiplayer - The other player has been promoted message has been
- Multiplayer - 'The keep is enclosed' message does not play during the loading
- Multiplayer - When you are in the game, all players are now able to tell who
is on what team.
- Multiplayer - The player colours and map territory in the lobby screen now
- Multiplayer - You can no longer make troops during peace time in multiplayer,
if you had a barracks or special troop's tower pre-placed on your map.
- Multiplayer - Players can no longer start a game of economic war in
multiplayer mode with goals that cannot be met by all the selected alignments.
e.g. If the objective is to make candles and a player selects the evil
alignment, the game cannot start because evil cannot make candles in the game.
- Multiplayer - Crossbowmen are more effective against giants in multiplayer
mode only.
- Multiplayer - Giants take more damage from fire and rolling logs in
multiplayer mode only.
- Multiplayer - Moat is now available to all alignments in multiplayer mode
- Custom Skirmish - Start button greyed out until AI opponents are added.
- Map Editor - The brush sizes updated correctly when switching tool menus in
the Map Editor.
- Map Editor: A wall to be placed no longer gets stuck to the cursor after
mousing over the edge of the map.
- Map Editor: 'Include Lord' button no longer available when enemy invasions
set to Movement or Vandalize.
- Map Editor: Player is now able to set the production of all workshops.
- Map Editor: The Leave Map/Stay on Map button fixed.
- Map Editor: The Siegfried, Saxon Warlord, and Pictish Boat Warrior units no
longer appear in the availability tab.
- Map Editor: The Destroy/Normal/Collapsing button appears correctly

Lisätty 23.2.2007
Latauksia 7 266 
Tiedoston koko 70,45 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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