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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Bank of Cyrodiil v1.0 Mod

Pisteet: 3.50
Tiedostotyyppi: Modit

This mod adds a bank in the Imperial City Market District in Cyrodiil with withdraw, deposit and interest actions available as well as usable secure chests.

Mod details:


The Elder Scrolls IV
Bank of Cyrodiil - 1.0 by Zarkis

Thanks to Arcanox for the bank sign.
Thanks to NumbNuts for the tip with the script.
Thanks too all at the ES forums who participated in testing.

The mod comes in a 7zip self-extracting file wrapped in zip file for maximum

1- Extract the files by running the 7zip exe. Place all the files into your
"Oblivion/Data" folder.
Make shure you keep the directory structure. If asked to overwrite, choose

Note: The mod uses some generic Bethesda voices but is in parts text only.
Therefore some of the installed mp3 files are silent dummy files. They are
needed to display the text only dialogue properly.

2- When launching the game, select data files and check this mod.


Delete 'za_bankmod.esp' and the directory in data\sound\voice with the same
name as the esp.
Delete \data\meshes\zabank.
Delete \data\textures\zabank

2. Mod Description

This mod adds a bank to the Imperial City Market District (with a sign made by
You can deposit and withdraw gold and earn interest (partly dependend on your
mercantile skill).
For a small fee you can also use a secure chest in the vault.

Have fun!

3. Version History


4. Known issues

- When using a conflict detector, conflicts with 'greetings' of other mods may
show up. Ignore them.
- The sound on the iron gates in the vault is not working (bug).

5. Other mods
Other mods by me:

- Mercenary Svenja 1.3 (hireable mercenary in Chorrol)
- Silent mp3s (a resource mod for modders)
- Sparring 1.2 (pay a imperial legion instructor to spar with you; 1.2. fixes a
bug with the horse armor mod)
- Less NPC conversations (reduce the amount of chatter around you)

6. Contact Info

For Questions/Comments and bug reports send a PM to -Zarkis- at the Elder
Scrolls Forums

Lisätty 9.5.2006
Latauksia 5 402 
Tiedoston koko 426,01 kB
Tiedostotyyppi Modit
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