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Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle Pixopedia 2014

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

Muutokset v0.6.0 - v0.7.0

Muutokset v0.3.0 - v0.4.0

Muutokset v0.2.6 - v0.3.0

  • Image processing: where possible (for fast processes), preview button is added. Image is divided in half (except for flips and mirrors). Left portion of image is original and right one with effects applied.
  • For all actions, applicable to complete image (draw, shift, colors, filters, etc…), a possibility of action preview (half image) is added through keyboard shortcut P. Press letter P on your keyboard and hold it down until result is displayed in the right portion of the image. When key is released, image returns to previous state. Note: do not use this feature on Simple 3×3 filters in conjunction with big images. Simple 3×3 filters are not optimized…yet.
  • Colors action: a new mode Color curves added. Accepts Photoshop acv curves of type 4. Curves can be modified and saved under different name. Many thanks to Roy M. Klever for the code: Curves are stored in curves directory.
  • Warp action (image warping): New mode “Mesh warp” added, with three options: Rect-Quad, Quad-Rect and famous Wolberg-Smythe algorithm (2-pass mesh morph).
  • Warp action (image warping): for some warping modes (disorder, motion. explode, implode, waves), a possibility to work only inside given selection, added. All modes for which this option is implemented are marked with s.e. (selection enabled).
  • Selections: added possibility to save/load selection from/to file. Accessible through pop-up menu. Selections are stored in user_data directory.
  • Image processing: convert to BW – maximum entropy algorithm added.
  • New tool added: Multi folding shadow caster (modal form is invoked). This option can perform full customizable perspective shadow casting of given selection. You can see examples on Pixopedia FB page.
  • Assistant objects – Contour: an option to create gray-scaled contour added. When check-box beside the threshold slider is unchecked, resultant contour is gray-scaled image (8-bit), otherwise it’s monochromatic (default).
  • Assistant objects – Contour: Ad hoc 3×3 adaptive convolution(Ahac) option added. Tool uses current contour pixels as kernel elements for adaptive convolution. Various parameters are used to control final output. Convolution can be applied to source image or to assistant image (contour).
  • Autobrush settings: new option added – skip when seeding point is outside selection. When autobrush is performed on selected part of image, if seeding point is outside selection, complete stroke calculation is skipped. This option drastically speeds up rendering of selected image part.
  • New tool added: Analyze me gently. This is a second tool from a new tools group (modal forms). This tool performs various image analyze tasks: collects statistical data, performs histogram calculations (image histogram, histogram XY, profile XY, region/selection histogram) and aperture viewing. More analyzing tools to come in subsequent versions.

Muutokset v0.2.4 - v0.2.5

  • Fixed bug with transparent images.
  • Filter button added to Assistant objects (images) tool: When mask/contour is created user can apply some commonly used filters on current object (mask/contour).
  • New image precessing item – Resize/stretch inside. Zoom selection on image inside pop-up window to resize/stretch desired detail without resizing actual image size.
  • Contour clipping implemented: when contour is created, enabling this option performs contour clipping, i.e. when stroke encounters contour pixel, drawing is stopped until mouse button is released. Two additional parameters “contour clipping threshold” and “contour scanning radius” are used to control entire process. First one defines intensity threshold value (when contour clipping occurs) and second one specifies circle radius around current pixel in which contour is inspected.
  • New “Dislocator” plugin (v1.0) available and it can be downloaded as a separate zip file. Plugin uses kernel remaoping, local gradient warping and grid slicing to achieve various effects.

Muutokset v0.2.3 - v0.2.4

  • Reported bugs fixed…well, most of them.
  • Slice & dice: Selection to marker option added. Creates marker from selection. Previous marker is cleared and replaced with selection mask.
  • Plugins tool: Pixopedia plugins support implemented (PPI). All plugins need to be rewritten to accommodate new PPI engine. Plugins can be downloaded separately and must be installed in pixplugins directoy.
  • New “Image Infector” plugin (v2.0) available and it can be downloaded as a separate zip file. New features in this plugin (v2.0): every automaton has it’s own growth semaphore; automaton cell color can be set to a single color value; new tab/option “post processing” has been added. Also, plugin has completely new GUI.
  • Brush/Jittering rules: disconnected drawing implemented.
  • Unnecessary skins removed from project which resulted in 6MB less exec size…nice.

Muutokset v0.2.2 - v0.2.3

  • Most reported bugs corrected.
  • Version built with full debug option for better bug tracing.
  • Brush/Advanced/Bumping: soft bumping option added.
  • Settings: enable ImageMagick plugin option added. Initially, this option is disabled. Enabling this option, Pixopedia will be able to read SVG files (they will be converted to raster image) and bunch of various exotic image formats. Note: after enabling (or disabling) this option, Pixopedia must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
  • Assistant images/Mask: Blend only option added. By checking this option, brush bumping will not occur on current mask but will occur on background tile (if any).
  • Lua script “Voronoi diagram in regular grid” enhanced (new features implemented).
  • Help: link to Pixopedia YouTube channel added.
  • Help: anchor Check for updates added. Checks for a new version.

Muutokset v0.1.3 - v0.2.2

  • New action: Slice & dice & many more. I ran out of names. In Pixopedia 24 2.0, name for this stuff was “Masquerade”. This option is a set of actions for manipulating marked part of image by cloning, moving, rotating, resizing. Also, here you can copy image/selection to clipboard, paste from clipboard, crop, clear and many moooooreeeee. This part is still in development phase and it can be little buggy.
  • New ornaments added: binary and trinary trees. Semiautomatic tree drawing. Tile drawing fully implemented.
  • New shape added: spline. Spline was available through special shapes only, but now, it’s available through standard shapes. Depending on settings (new tab in setting form), hand-drawn polyline is simplified and then spline is drawn through set of simplified points. Very cool for those with shaky hands.
  • New entry in Settings form: Polyline tab – polylines/polygons simplification parameters, spline options, etc…
  • New blending modes added: StereoBW, StereoColor, StereoColorDubois, StereoEven, StereOdd, Luninosity 2.
  • New tool added on the right pane: Autobrush settings. Autobrush shape is currently available only within Spreader action, so, beside free hand shape, spreader modes can be applied using autobrush shape.
  • New tool button added: Paste image from clipboard.
  • Changed tools grouping: Selection rules and Shadow are now packed together. Mask and contour are also packed together under Assistant objects panel.
  • Stencils added as a new assistant object.
  • New items added under selection shape: Copy to clipboard, copy to mask PLUS and copy to mask OVER.
  • New item added in image tab popup menu: copy image to clipboard.
  • Most important: complete program is ported to new platform and also, I’ve changed GUI a bit. Now it’s super-cool, OMG it’s awesome…and it can accommodate lower screen resolutions.

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

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