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Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle JPEGView - Image Viewer and Editor

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

Muutokset v1.0.32.1 - v1.0.32.2

  • Bugs fixed:
  • More tolerance on corrupt EXIF data offsets - image is now displayed in this case (without EXIF of course)
  • Showing mouse cursor before asking for confirmations if mouse cursor was off before
  • ESC works again when no image is loaded into JPEGView (e.g. because the last image in a folder was deleted)
  • Taking DisplayMonitor into account also in windowed mode, not only fullscreen mode
  • Using forced sort order on command line (e.g. /order Z) also for slideshow lists
  • New features:
  • Set current image as desktop wallpaper. You can either set the original image (in Windows XP only BMP is supported) or the processed image as displayed. The later is using also the size as displayed.
  • Other changes:
  • Removed 'Edit global settings' menu entry. This has led to confusion as users unintentionally edit the global INI file instead of the user INI file and wonder why the settings are not working. If you need this menu item, set AllowEditGlobalSettings=true in the INI file to force showing it.
  • Batch rename dialog: Supporting %h and %min placeholders for hour and minute of modification date

Muutokset v1.0.32 - v1.0.32.1

  • Bugs fixed:
  • Prefetching image of correct size in windowed mode - prefetching was actually not working in this situation and thus performance was poor in 1.0.32 in windowed mode.
  • Auto-zoom-mode 'Fill with crop': Handling portrait orientation images correctly in all cases
  • Other changes:
  • Expanding environment variables in user commands and open with commands
  • New command available for mapping to a key: IDM_RENAME to rename current file. By default this command is not mapped to a key and only availabe by clicking on the file name on the bottom panel.
  • Finer granularity control over deleting files (confirmations, availability) AllowFileDeletion=false : Allows disabling file deleting in JPEGView DeleteConfirmation=Always/OnlyWhenNoRecycleBin/Never : Controls confirmation when deleting with navigation panel button
  • When deleting files with the navigation panel button (x), a confirmation is required for files that are deleted permanently. This is the case for drives that have no recylce bin, like memory sticks or network drives.

Muutokset v1.0.31.1 - v1.0.32

  • Bugs fixed:
  • Window size in windowed mode was some pixels too small due to invalid reporting of window border size by OS
  • Fixed wrong line break in file titles in info panel for long file names
  • SingleInstance=true, fixed error on loading image in case window was minimized
  • Lossless JPEG-transformations cannot be applied anymore after the original pixels have been modified, e.g. by a crop. Applying the transformations in this case would lead to unexpected results.
  • New features:
  • 64 bit version (in addition to existing 32 bit version)
  • New image processing: Change size (in menu Transform image > Change size)
  • Improvements in image file deletion:
  • - Button on navigation panel and 'Del' key deletes the current image file in the same same way Explorer does (by moving to recycle bin)
  • - 'Shift+Del' deletes the current image file permanently
  • Showing keyboard shortcuts in tooltips of the toolbox buttons
  • Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) translation and updated Chinese translation
  • Other changes:
  • Settings/Admin > Set as default viewer: Calls the file association dialog from control panel to perform the associations in Windows 8, because this is the only way under Windows 8 to properly change file associations.
  • Ctrl-X also copies the file name to the clipboard (as Ctrl-C)
  • Using Visual Studio 2013 to compile the 64 bit version

Muutokset v1.0.31 - v1.0.31.1

  • Bugs fixed:
  • Fixed crash when deleting files in 'Show folders and subfolders' navigation mode
  • Filenames with \t in path are now displayed correctly when using customized file name display format
  • New features:
  • JPEGView is now fully high DPI capable (e.g. 200 % -> 192 dpi) and scales all GUI elements properly to high DPI settings. This fixes problems on high DPI screens.
  • Ctrl-C also copies the file name to the clipboard so that Windows Explorer is able to paste the original file with Ctrl-V
  • Other changes:
  • Moved menu item to store current parameters as default in INI file to 'Setting/Configuration' submenu

Muutokset v1.0.30 - v1.0.31

  • New features:
  • New supported file format: TGA (8, 15, 16, 24, 32 bits) - only for reading
  • User commands extensions
  • - Shortcuts with modifier keys can now be assigned to user commands. Shortcut format is as in the keymap, e.g. 'Ctrl+P'
  • - User commands can optionally be bound to a menu item in the submenu 'User commands' in the JPEGView context menu
  • 'Open with' menu
  • In Settings/Admin it is possible to define applications to be started in the 'Open with' submenu of the JPEGView context menu. The applications get passed the current image file name as argument on process startup. It is also possible to assign a shortcut key for such an application.
  • Files can be sorted upcounting (default) or downcounting in all display order modes (by date, name, etc)
  • - Can be set in the context menu of JPEGView
  • - Stored to INI file
  • New display order mode: Sort by file size
  • New INI file setting:
  • UseEmbeddedColorProfiles=[true/false] Setting this to true will enable color management for JPEG images and TIFF images (to the extend GDI+ supports it).
  • Default is 'false' because enabling this setting has some disadvantages:
  • - Turbo JPEG does not support embedded profiles, so GDI+ needs to be used what is much slower
  • - GDI+ cannot read some valid JPEG files (e.g. some grayscale JPEGs, observed with Windows XP)
  • Notice that GDI+ does not support V4 ICC color profiles in Windows XP. It does support these in Windows 7/8.
  • New INI file settings: DefaultGUIFont=fontName fontSize [bold] FileNameFont=fontName fontSize [bold] Enables to change the GUI font, its size in points and its weight
  • Esc key can now be re-defined in keymap (e.g. to display to 'Open file' dialog) Default remains to exit JPEGView
  • Some minor changes in navigation panel appearance
  • Bugs fixed:
  • Read ahead no longer turned off when failed to read one image
  • Fixed loading error of JPEGs with EXIF data and IDF1 section missing
  • Blending issues with nVidia cards fixed (hopefully now works correctly in all situations)
  • Fixed (sporadic) crash when deleting images permanently with the 'Del' key or when executing other user commands
  • Registration of file extensions in Windows 8 improved. Consider however that Windows 8 protects the standard file associations. For changing these associations the 'Default programs' dialog of Windows 8 must be used.
  • Showing system menu and icon in Windows7/8 when switching from full screen to windowed mode

Muutokset v1.0.29 - v1.0.30

  • Bugs fixed:
  • Fixed crash (leading to potential exploit) when image width or height is larger than 32767
  • Improved zoom behavior for zoom < 10 %
  • Slide shows with alpha blending: maybe now also works correctly if graphics driver implements alpha blending somewhat inexactly
  • NoStrCmpLogical registry setting also checked in "LOCAL MACHINE" registry hive
  • Fixed size cropping bug fixed
  • Always registering JPEGView in registry when changing file assignments, thus fixing any invalid path, e.g. resulting from move of the EXE to another directory
  • Animated GIFs and multifram TIFFs can now be moved or deleted while displayed New features:
  • New command line parameter '/autoexit'. If passed, ESC key will terminate JPEGView also if a slideshow is running or an animated GIF is playing. Additionally it will auto-terminate JPEGView after the slideshow has finished when combined with the '/slideshow' command line parameter. Thanks to SourceForge user manuthie for implementing this.
  • New command line parameter '/monitor [index]'. Shows JPEGView on the given monitor, overriding the INI file setting.
  • New placeholders that can be used in user commands: %exepath% : Path to EXE folder where JPEGView is running %exedrive% : Drive letter of the EXE path, e.g. "c:"
  • Displayed image is reloaded automatically when it changes on disk, using a file system change notifier. The image list of the current directory is also reloaded when images are added or deleted in this directory. To disable the file system notifier, set ReloadWhenDisplayedImageChanged=false in the INI file
  • When canceling the 'Open file' dialog after startup, JPEGView is not terminated but an empty window is shown with some hints what to do.

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

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