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World of Warcraft v2.05 to v2.06 US Incremental Patch

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Tiedostotyyppi: Päivitykset

This incremental patch for US version of World of Warcraft upgrades the game from v2.0.5 to v2.0.6 fixing several bugs and making changes to hunters, mages, and priests.

Patch details:

World of Warcraft Client Patch 2.0.6

- "Silencing Shot" now does only 50% of weapon damage instead of 75%.
- The base damage for "Arcane Shot" has been reduced by about 9% and the bonus
damage from ranged attack power reduced from 20% to 15%.
- The bonus damage for "Barrage" is now 4/8/12% for ranks 1/2/3.
- The bonus damage for "Improved Barrage" is now 4/8/12% for ranks 1/2/3.

- Each rank of "Improved Fireball" now reduces your spell damage coefficient by
- Each rank of "Improved Frostbolt" now reduces your spell damage coefficient
by 2%.
- "Counterspell" no longer triggers the global cooldown.
- "Mana Shield" now absorbs magical damage as well as physical damage.

- The bonus coefficient for "Shadow Word: Pain" has been reduced by about 9%.
This should result in about 5% less damage done by "Shadow Word: Pain" for the
typical priest.

Bug Fixes
- The "Frozen Shadoweave Boots" will now properly increase shadow damage.
- Players will no longer lose control of their character if they try to talk to
an NPC while mobs are aggro on them.
- The /equip command will now work on pieces of gear that are not in
your primary bag.
- Fixed an issue that was causing some players to disconnect in
Hellfire Citadel:Blood Furnace.
- The "Corruptor" 4 piece set bonus will now be properly applied.
- The Legion Fel Cannons at Forge Camp Anger in Blades Edge will now
properly spawn above ground.
- The Arena queue tooltip will now show the arena that the player is
queued for.
- Fixed an error that was causing players to disconnect if they tried
to socket a gem that had been gift wrapped.
- Fixed an error that was causing players to disconnect forming a
party with other members in the same area.
- Pet icons will now properly update in the Stables window.
- Improved the robustness of the pet action bar display. It is now
less likely to be accidentally blocked by addons.
- Players will no longer hear the gong sound repeated after initially joining
a queue for the battlegrounds.
- Having a group invite declined while queued via "Looking for More"
will no longer remove you from the queue.
- Nethershards will no longer cost honor to purchase but will cost
gold instead.
- Players will no longer be given access to both quest lines following
the Declaration of Allegiance to the Scryers or Aldor in Shattrath

Lisätty 24.1.2007
Latauksia 754 
Tiedoston koko 4,30 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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