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F.E.A.R. v1.01 Patch

Pisteet: 2.00
Tiedostotyyppi: Päivitykset

This v1.01 patch for F.E.A.R. fixes two global bugs and several multiplayer problems.

Patch details:

Version 1.01


- Fixed a problem where players could fall under the map after pressing ESC
while climbing a ladder.
- Fixed a bug where water FX would play where there was no water in the "Heavy
Resistance" level.


- Fixed the Game Type filter on the server browser screen.
- Fixed broken ladder animations.
- Spectator "Fly" mode now works as intended.
- SlowMo Score Time is now reported through the in-game server browser for
SlowMo CTF games.
- Fixed a problem where players would sometimes spawn into Team Elimination
games as a neutral player.
- Team Eliminmation servers will no longer advance to the next round if you are
the first to join and then switch teams.
- Dead players will no longer win the round in Elimination game types if they
have the highest score when time runs out.
- The score tally on the HUD now works properly in all Elimination game types.
- Remote clients can no longer log into SCMD on hosted games as original
intended. SCMD still works as before on dedicated servers.
- The weapon of the player you are watching will no longer appear on the screen
when using the "Follow" spectator mode.
- Fixed problem with grenades getting stuck on or bouncing off of breakable
windows in certain levels.
- Further optimized performance and fixed minor lighting and art bugs in the
Streets CTF level.

Lisätty 3.4.2006
Latauksia 964 
Tiedoston koko 21,46 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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