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Space Empires V v1.17 Patch

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Tiedostotyyppi: Päivitykset

This v1.17 patch for Space Empires V includes gameplay tweaks, bug fixes, and memory leak fix.

Patch details:

Version 1.17:
1. Fixed - Memory Leak in Game Setup - Generate Map function.
2. Fixed - Tweak to increase numbers of AI Attack ships with size of empire.

3. Fixed - You could add more than 1 Space Yard to a planet using the Build
# setting.
4. Fixed - Ground combat was not occuring in Simultaneous Games.
5. Fixed - Ground combat now takes place at the end of all player's turns
but before the end of all player's turns processing.
6. Fixed - In Turn Based, only one ground combat was occuring per turn.
7. Fixed - You could launch the Sector View on sectors you couldn't
currently see.

Lisätty 22.11.2006
Latauksia 529 
Tiedoston koko 17,97 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Päivitykset
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