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Half-Life 2 Garry's Mod v9.0.4

Pisteet: 3.36
Tiedostotyyppi: Modit

This Garry's Mod for Half-Life 2 lets players take advantage of the game's physics engine as you can modify objects, change character poses and create own vehicles.

Mod details:

Version 9.0.4 - 27th November 2005

* [ADD] Spawn menu now grows with a higher screen res
* [ADD] Cleaned up spawn menu
* [ADD] Changed weapon select menu to fit more weapons (use gm_wepselmode
to switch back)
* [ADD] SWEP spawn menu
* [ADD] CS Weapons
* [ADD] NPC Kill notifications
* [FIX] Spawn menu crash
* [FIX] Single player bug with turrets
* [FIX] Melonracer bugs
* [FIX] Weapon pickup switch bug
* [FIX] Text, rects and wquads showing in the next level
* [FIX] Fortwars - Fixed buying weapons as spectator
* [FIX] Fortwars - Money resets after game end
* [FIX] HideAndSeek - Team names fixed
* [FIX] HideAndSeek - Tweaked scoring
* [FIX] HideAndSeek - Added help screen
* [FIX] HideAndSeek - Hiders get melon and baby guns
* [FIX] Chat style messages now show in single player
* [FIX] Scope graphics are now drawn behind kills/chat
* [LUA] _util.PlayerByName( name )
* [LUA] _util.PlayerByUserId( userid )
* [LUA] _util.EntsInBox( min, max )
* [LUA] _util.DropToFloor( ent )
* [LUA] _util.ScreenShake( pos, amp, frequency, duration, radius )
* [LUA] _util.PointAtEntity( ent, ent )
* [LUA] _npc.ExitScriptedSequence( ent )
* [LUA] _npc.SetSchedule( ent, sched )
* [LUA] _npc.SetLastPosition( ent, vector )
* [LUA] _npc.AddRelationship( ent, ent, disposition, priority )
* [LUA] Changed Phys functions to use _phys. table (see
* [LUA] _phys.ApplyForceOffset( ent, force, worldpos )
* [LUA] _phys.ApplyTorqueCenter( ent, vec )
* [LUA] _player.ShowPanel( player, name, show )
* [LUA] _player.SetContextMenu( player, name )
* [LUA] GetPlayerDamageScale( hitgroup ) - see defines.lua
* [LUA] _player.GetFlashlight( player )
* [LUA] _player.SetFlashlight( player, bool )
* [LUA] _player.LastHitGroup( player )
* [LUA] Returned tables now start from 1 instead of 0 as is the Lua
* [LUA] _player.ShouldDropWeapon( player, bool )
* [LUA] SWEP - getTracerFreqPrimary()
* [LUA] SWEP - getTracerFreqSecondary()
* [LUA] _swep.GetClipAmmo( id, clip )
* [LUA] _swep.SetClipAmmo( id, clip, amount )
* [LUA] SWEP - onPickup( player )
* [LUA] SWEP - onDrop( player )
* [LUA] SWEP - onRemove()
* [LUA] SWEP - getDeathIcon()
* [LUA] _gameevent.Start( name )
* [LUA] _gameevent.SetString( name, value )
* [LUA] _gameevent.SetInt( name, value )
* [LUA] _gameevent.Fire()
* [LUA] _spawnmenu.AddItem( player, category, name, command )
* [LUA] _spawnmenu.RemoveCategory( player, category )
* [LUA] _spawnmenu.RemoveAll( player )
* [LUA] _spawnmenu.SetCategory( player, category )
* [LUA] eventPlayerInitialSpawn( playerid ) - called just before player's
first ever spawn on the server
* [LUA] Fixed _file.Read corrupt data
* [LUA] _PlayerGetActiveWeapon( player )
* [LUA] _swep.GetDeathIcon( weapon )

Version 9.0.3 - 7th November 2005

* [ADD] gm_hideandseek by Greg Hughes aka "fayte" and "MrSteak63"
* [ADD] Added "cfg/lua.txt" to configure Lua
* [FIX] Crash when NPC shoots Jeep
* [FIX] Crash when anything happens
* [FIX] Crash when hiding GUI text
* [FIX] MrSteak's AWFUL scripting in gm_longsight
* [FIX] Misc single player crashes
* [LUA] Fixed GModQuad_Hide
* [LUA] SWEPs with missing scripts no longer spawn

Version 9.0.2 - 6th November 2005

* [FIX] Easy Weld crash
* [FIX] Easy Axis crash
* [FIX] Server hosting crash bug
* [FIX] NPC Spawning is always allowed in single player
* [FIX] Unable to load from the main menu bug
* [FIX] Corrupt save bug after using duplicator
* [FIX] Statued ragdolls are a bit more stable
* [FIX] Lua memory leak
* [ADD] gm_freeze gamemode by Jon Sully aka "Jonny"
* [FIX] Updated fortwar map (g33k)
* [FIX] Added new weapons to fortwars (g33k)
* [FIX] Added buy system to fortwars (g33k)
* [FIX] Disabled auto switch in all build gamemodes (g33k)

* [LUA] Removed io/os library
* [LUA] Added loadlib library
* [LUA] _EntSetParent( , )
* [LUA] _EntGetParent( )
* [LUA] _IsDedicatedServer( )
* [LUA] GmodRect/GModText indexes can now be over 128 (~32000 max)
* [LUA] GmodRect/GModText doesn't draw when followed ent isn't in PVS
* [LUA] _GModQuad_Start( )
* [LUA] _GModQuad_SetVector( , )
* [LUA] _GModQuad_Hide( , , , )
* [LUA] _GModQuad_HideAll( )
* [LUA] _GModQuad_SetTimings( , , , )
* [LUA] _GModQuad_Send( , )
* [LUA] _GModQuad_SendAnimate( , , , )
* [LUA] _EntGetName( )
* [LUA] _EntSetName( , )
* [LUA] eventPlayerUseEntity( playerid, entity )
* [LUA] Added lifetype class defs to defines.lua
* [LUA] _SetDefaultRelationship( , , )
* [LUA] _TraceSetCollisionGroup( )
* [LUA] Added masks to defines.lua
* [LUA] _TraceSetMask( )
* [LUA] _file.Exists( )
* [LUA] _file.Read( )
* [LUA] _file.Write( , )
* [LUA] _file.CreateDir( )
* [LUA] _file.Find( )
* [LUA] _file.Delete( )
* [LUA] _file.Rename( , )
* [LUA] Error messages are now actually useful
* [LUA] _TraceAttack( , , ,
* [LUA] 8, 9 and 0 can be used with PlayerOption now (assuming default cam
* [LUA] _EntSetMaxHealth( , )
* [LUA] _EntGetMaxHealth( )

Version 9.0.1 - 30th October 2005

* [FIX] Tiny memory leak in MP game panel
* [FIX] Possible problem with long GUI Text messages
* [ADD] Warning when CS:S reload animations are missing on server
* [FIX] lastinv fast firing exploit
* [CHA] Bloom is now off by default
* [CHA] NPC spawning is now allowed by default in server settings
* [FIX] Some Coop/NPC fixes
* [FIX] Missing GUI Rects in widescreen mode
* [ADD] Some missing server files
* [CHA] Removed old map (Oops!)
* [ADD] Icon for "gm_build_fortwars"
* [FIX] Linux server "wrong version" message
* [FIX] No longer need to copy CS and HL2MP content on Linux Server

Version 9.0 - 28th October 2005

* [ADD] LUA scripting support
* [ADD] 'lua' console command to run LUA commands
* [ADD] 'lua_openscript' command to run a script
* [ADD] 'lua_listbinds' to list available bound functions
* [ADD] 'gm_defaultgamerules' command
* [FIX] Possible phys properties bug
* [FIX] Bots not interacting with physics
* [FIX] Random spawn crash
* [ADD] Motion blur effect
* [ADD] ALL maps now listed at the bottom of the SP/MP game panels
* [FIX] MP Game Panel now remembers maxplayers
* [ADD] Wind alter sliders in the Admin menu (buggy)
* [FIX] Blood now shows properly online
* [ADD] Enabled blood for our German speaking friends
* [ADD] New scoreboard
* [ADD] New admin options
* [FIX] Non chat text in chat area text being weird
* [FIX] Weapon selection popup when scrolling in spawn menu
* [FIX] Modcache optimizations
* [ADD] Zombie player model (Thanks to Podunkian)
* [ADD] Stalker player model (Thanks to Podunkian)
* [ADD] Classic Gordon player model (Thanks to Podunkian)
* [ADD] Charple player model (Thanks to Podunkian)
* [ADD] Corpse player model (Thanks to Podunkian)
* [FIX] Removed black screen on fall damage
* [ADD] Working spectator mode
* [FIX] Avatars now work for listen server hosts
* [ADD] gmod_gamesetup entity
* [ADD] gmod_runfunction entity
* [ADD] gmod_player_start entity
* [ADD] weapon_swep entity
* [FIX] Can now spawn using DoD spawnpoints
* [FIX] Bloom hitching when switched on for the first time
* [FIX] Colour mod hitching when switched on for the first time
* [FIX] Bots not registering as bots when they first joined a server
* [ADD] Scrollbar on spawnmenu dropdown box. (use gm_spawncombolines to
* [ADD] Bloom presets menu
* [FIX] Colour mod shader now works
* [FIX] Reduced telefragging
* [ADD] cs_assault to CS:S minimod
* [ADD] 910ths gamemode by Garry Newman (aka garry)
* [ADD] Melon Racer gamemode by Garry Newman (aka garry)
* [ADD] Laser Dance gamemode by Garry Newman (aka garry)
* [ADD] Tactical Police Cops gamemode by Garry (really just Lua SWEP
* [ADD] BirdPoo gamemode by Andy Vincent
* [ADD] Football gamemode by Tristan Pemble (aka n42)
* [ADD] Zombie Infestation gamemode by Matthew Mullins (aka g33k)
* [ADD] gm_build_tothetop gamemode by Matthew Mullins (aka g33k)
* [ADD] gm_build_bridge gamemode by Matthew Mullins (aka g33k)
* [ADD] Longsight gamemode by "MrSteak63"
* [FIX] Importing custom spraypaints now works
* [ADD] SetModel console command ("SetModel alyx", "SetModel breen" etc)
* [FIX] Memory leak in mod manager
* [ADD] gm_build_fortwars gamemode by Matthew Mullins (aka g33k)

Lisätty 6.4.2006
Latauksia 12 402 
Tiedoston koko 26,13 MB
Tiedostotyyppi Modit
Mikäli sinulla ei ole vielä AfterDawn-käyttäjätunnusta, syötä allaolevaan kaavakkeeseen toivomasi käyttäjätunnus sekä sähköpostiosoitteesi. Lähetämme sinulle jälkikäteen aktivointilinkin antamaasi sähköpostiosoitteeseen.

Mikäli sinulla on jo ennestään AfterDawn-käyttäjätunnus, kirjaudu sisään seuraavan välilehden kautta.

Kirjaudu sisään käyttäen AfterDawn -käyttäjätunnustasi tai sähköpostiosoitettasi.

Yhteensä 11 arvostelua.
Mikäli sinulla ei ole vielä AfterDawn-käyttäjätunnusta, syötä allaolevaan kaavakkeeseen toivomasi käyttäjätunnus sekä sähköpostiosoitteesi. Lähetämme sinulle jälkikäteen aktivointilinkin antamaasi sähköpostiosoitteeseen.

Mikäli sinulla on jo ennestään AfterDawn-käyttäjätunnus, kirjaudu sisään seuraavan välilehden kautta.

Kirjaudu sisään käyttäen AfterDawn -käyttäjätunnustasi tai sähköpostiosoitettasi.

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