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Star Wars: Empire at War Al's Mod

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Tiedostotyyppi: Modit

The modification changes the space system scaling for a more enjoyable game experience.

Patch details:

Al's Mod spc0.1

Hi there, ever thought that the space system of Empire at War was a little out
of scale?
I sure did! This is why I have created this mod, to change multiple scaling
features, enabling an overall
more enjoyable experience :)
I have used the LucasArts 1996 game "Tie Fighter" to bring the units to


!!!Before installation I strongly recommend downloading Al's Mod 0.11 to avoid
coding confliction!!!
(also to get cool particle effects which look great in space)

Simply unzip the folder to your "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at
War\GameData\Data" directory
then load the game.

Changes in spc0.1:

- Modified the scale by 50% of space units: Tartan Patrol Cruiser,
Broadside-Class Cruiser, Acclamator, Victory-Class Star Destroyer, Interdictor
Cruiser, and Imperial Star Destroyer
- Modified the scale by 50% of Captain Piett's modified Star Destroyer
- All mass and size ratios of ships changed accordingly
- All wreckage has been scaled appropriatly

- Corrected X-Wing and A-wing idle positions - they no longer clash as much
when floating idle
- Modified the scale by 50% of space units: Corellian Corvette, Corellian
Gunship, Marauder Missle Cruiser, Nebulon-B Frigate, Assault Frigate MK.II, and
Mon Calamari Cruiser
- Modified the scale by 50% of Captain Raymus Antilles' modified Corellian
corvette, Commander Ackbar's "Home One" flag ship, and Han Solo's "Millennium
- All mass and size ratios of ships changed accordingly
- All wreckage has been scaled appropriatly

- Pirate ships have been scaled up be 50%
- All mass and size ratios of ships changed accordingly
- All wreckage has been scaled appropriatly

Legal Stuff:
This mod is not to be modfied then redistributed over the internet on CD, DVD,
sold or plugged without my notification.

Any Problems? Any Requests? Any Queries?
Contact me at ""

Lisätty 24.3.2006
Latauksia 862 
Tiedoston koko 632,48 kB
Tiedostotyyppi Modit
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