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Civilization IV UN Mod v1.0

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Tiedostotyyppi: Modit

The UN modification increases the power of United Nations, as it changed the way civics work in Civilization IV.

Mod details:

UN Modification v1.0 by TheFourGuardians


Like any mod, simply unzip into the mods directory located in you game's main

New Features:

Simply this mod adds all of the civics as options in the UN. Noteably this
changes the way they work.
While if you choose to enact only one of each type, you still work in the
"mandatory" frame, if you take two of the same
catagory(for example state property and free market) these both become options.
In this way the UN becomes less of a world government
and more of a world council.


The makers of Superciv, Leaders, and abbamouse as I used their mods to template
Jedit, for it allowed me to look at some python files which may be useful in my
next version.
Davyd, for the idea. for hosting and all of the work put in.

Lisätty 20.3.2006
Latauksia 730 
Tiedoston koko 152,17 kB
Tiedostotyyppi Modit
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