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Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

Muutokset v3.1.1 - v3.1.2

  • Added custom header and footer for the web-report and made it HTML5 compliant.
  • Fixed a deadlock when database restore took a while and a race condition occured.

Muutokset v3.1.0 - v3.1.1

  • Added a new type of date-bound rule. Now a rule can become active for one day in a month.
  • Added quota boost support to allow users to have a temporary quota extension within a period.
  • Added notifications emailed when a quota boost is added to let the user know about the extension.

Muutokset v3.0.8 - v3.1.0

  • Added DPI based bandwidth throttling for users violating network policies.
  • Added quota expiry info and received/sent amounts in the web-report.
  • Added custom labels for received/sent data in both the UI and web-reports.
  • Added displaying user emails and notifications in main view (View - Columns).
  • Changed in the web-reports for rules with a quota only output relevant records.

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

Toimiiko ohjelma koneessani?

64-bit, 32-bit, Windows 10, Portable, Windows XP, Vista, ...

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