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Ohjelman englanninkielinen lyhyt kuvaus
Avast Decryption Tool for Globe will decrypt files that have been held to ransom (encrypted) by the Globe ransomware.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen lyhyt kuvaus

Ohjelman englanninkielinen pitkä kuvaus
Avast Decryption Tool for Globe will decrypt files that have been held to ransom (encrypted) by the Globe ransomware.

The ransomware has been observed in the wild since August 2016, and uses RC4 or Blowfish encryption on a user's personal files, demanding a ransom for them to be decrypted.

According to Avast!, Globe adds the following extensions to encrypted files: ".ACRYPT", ".GSupport[0-9]", ".blackblock", ".dll555", ".duhust", ".exploit", ".frozen", ".globe", ".gsupport", ".kyra", ".purged", ".raid[0-9]", "", ".xtbl", ".zendrz", or ".zendr[0-9]"

Note that some variants encrypt the entire filename.

This tool will walk you through a process to decrypt the files. It has been provided for free by the good guys over at Avast!

However, you will need an original (unencrypted) file to compare against an encrypted version of the file in order for the password to be cracked so your files can be set free.

You may find an original file in a backup directory, or perhaps in cloud storage. You may find an original photo on your phone or on social media (facebook etc.) that you posted online, and if the ransomware encrypted a copy of it on your hard drive, then you can use that original file to help in this process.

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