TV v3.0
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Music, News, Educational, Sports & Shopping channels are sorted in a very easy to find way, together with TV in English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese & Arabic sections.
You can browse TV content by region r country name.
Key Features...
- Features multi format (Windows Media®, Flash®).
- Live online streaming 24/7 worldwide Television.
- You don't have to care about the station's broadcasting format.
- Will run the station's live video in a fixed screen.
- Will switch automatically between formats.
- Works with any broadband Internet Service Provider (ISP) worldwide.
- Features hundreds of live international online channels, 24 hours a day.
- With dedicated 24/7 music stations that feature video clips in: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Turkish and more
- It's like a free trip around the world; seeing other peoples' style of living, hearing new languages and music and seeing world views and news.
- Does not have an internal (offline) channel guide, it receives it online, which means fresh new channels are added dynamically as soon as they become available and inactive channels are removed.
Linkkaa tähän ohjelmaan kopioimalla allaoleva teksti kotisivuillesi:
1Lisenssi- ja käyttöjärjestelmä(t)-kohtien tiedot koskevat ohjelman uusinta versiota.
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