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Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle X-Mouse Button Control (portable)

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

Muutokset v2.18.7 - v2.18.8

Muutokset v2.18.6 - v2.18.7

Muutokset v2.18.5 - v2.18.6

Muutokset v2.18.4 - v2.18.5

Muutokset v2.18.2 - v2.18.4

Muutokset v2.18.1 - v2.18.2

Muutokset v2.18 - v2.18.1

Muutokset v2.17 - v2.18

Muutokset v2.16 - v2.17

Muutokset v2.15 - v2.16

Muutokset v2.14 - v2.15

Muutokset v2.13.1 - v2.14

Muutokset v2.11.1 - v2.12.1

Muutokset v2.8.3 - v2.9.1

  • Fixed a bug causing the application title field not to work in custom window profiles.
  • Version 2.9 (6th December 2014):
  • Fixed a bug choosing the best/closest English language at startup.
  • Fixed a bug with Run Application which didn't work when command line arguments were specified.
  • Added ability to {PRESS} and {RELEASE} keys specifically in a simulated key sequence (for non-during methods)
  • Fixed bug causing Scroll/Tilt saving round the wrong way round!
  • Fixed bug causing language setting to be lost after successful change.
  • Show the window mask on the setup screen for custom window profiles.
  • Fixed issues such as the wrong window showing when adding and editing window specific profiles.
  • Automatically backup settings file during installation (in case there are problems in the new version!)
  • Completely re-written settings file management. Using new XML parser which is many times faster.
  • Better support for Windows 10, including new mapping actions and fixes to scrolling ModernUI windows.
  • Fixed another bug in simulated keystrokes (always sent as unicode breaking some games and keys)
  • Fixed another crash when using the scroll wheel on a fresh install with the setup window open!
  • (Also #249) Added ability to ignore repeated scroll/tilt messages to make the scroll wheel behave more like a button.
  • Fixed keyboard tab order in layer key page.
  • Fixed Search Charms / Search Apps which were round the wrong ways.

Muutokset v2.8.1 - v2.8.3

  • Fixed bug with simulated keystrokes when sending a single extended key like {LWIN}

Muutokset v2.8 - v2.8.1

  • Fixed XMBC crash when scrolling if there is no settings file (e.g. on a fresh install)

Muutokset v2.7 - v2.8

  • Fixed slow simulated keystrokes and mouse clicks when assigned to the scroll wheel (associated with the scroll throttling introduced in v2.6 (#186)
  • Fixed issue causing repeat and sticky repeat sim keys to repeat far too quickly and too many get pushed into the new threaded input queue.
  • Fixed simulated keystroke {HOLD:x} function when used in combination with mouse buttons eg {LMB}
  • Added up/down buttons to re-order the profile list. Also added import and export buttons.
  • Fixed crash when log folder or settings folder can not be found.
  • Added ability to switch primary and secondary mouse buttons per application profile.
  • Added option to force layer button actions to revert to layer one rather than the previous layer.
  • Fixed bug in new Windows 8.1 update that causes High DPI screens to get incorrect mouse coordinates.
  • Added ability to automatically transition to a specified layer when the layer changes.
  • Fixed issues with unicode text/keys for layer names, run application names, simulated keystrokes.
  • Fixed occasional crash in new SendInput thread and improved support for unicode keys
  • Fixed Bug in movement to scroll in Metro apps. Now all input is sent/simulated from a separate thread to prevent blocking. This means all simulated key "in another thread" options are redundant as every method sends from a separate thread!
  • Fixed bug that caused run application to fail silently on Vista and later.
  • Add option to check for new beta versions from release version (note: a beta version will always check for new beta's)
  • Add regular expression search for window titles, process names and class names - allows wildcard matching. Added ability to target regions (quadrants) in window specific profiles, allowing you to have multiple profiles for one window, depending where the cursor is (top left, bottom right etc.). Useful for full screen apps and touch screens where you can configure the touch (left click) differently for different areas.
  • Add ability to make window title specific profiles.
  • Add actions to dim/brighten the screen.

Muutokset v2.6.2 - v2.7

  • Shift to scroll horizontally not working in Chrome.
  • Invert Scrolling does not work when scroll window under cursor disabled.
  • Fixed some problems with internal event timers not being stopped in all cases.
  • Fixed crash when setting simulated keystrokes for a button that was previously set to another action.
  • Added code to skip checking the window under the cursor for fast repeated scrolls (to try and prevent system beeps).
  • Added option to pass the mouse click through along with simulated keystrokes (by default the mouse click is blocked).
  • Make "Disabled because of scroll lock" more visible by changing the icon and red text on setup GUI.
  • Add ability to detect and select Modern UI apps in window profiles.
  • Added ability to disable scroll window under cursor for specific profiles (ie METRO/Modern UI apps).
  • Added logging and error messages when the XML settings / import files are corrupt.
  • Fixed a bug when importing multiple profiles where only one would import at a time.
  • Fixed a problem causing RCTRL and RALT to send left CTRL/ALT not right.
  • Found and fixed a bug causing an incorrect/invalid language to be chosen, thus causing simulated keystrokes to fail.
  • Added Magnifier toggle action to open/close the magnify application.
  • Fixed scroll window under cursor in Process Explorer.
  • Modified code to try and fix problems when English keyboard not installed. Improved logging to help highlight any issues.
  • Fixed duplicate startup entry causing XMBC setup GUI to be opened on startup.
  • Added updated Traditional Chineese language pack & Updated some language templates and spelling errors.

Muutokset v2.6 - v2.6.2

  • Fixed problem causing XMBC not to be launched after installation.
  • Fixed incorrect default for Cycle Layers, Fixed portable release.
  • Fixed portable version so it is not signed.
  • Fixed a problem scrolling OneNote pages view when "Scroll window under cursor activated"
  • Fixed a bug in the installer preventing the program menu item for XMBC from being created!

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

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64-bit, 32-bit, Windows 10, Portable, Windows XP, Vista, ...

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