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Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle FileMenu Tools

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

Muutokset v7.3.3 - v7.4

Muutokset v7.3.1 - v7.3.3

Muutokset v7.2.1 - v7.3.1

Muutokset v7.2 - v7.2.1

Muutokset v7.1.4 - v7.2

Muutokset v7.1.3 - v7.1.4

Muutokset v7.0.4 - v7.0.5

Muutokset v7.0.3 - v7.0.4

Muutokset v7.0.1 - v7.0.3

Muutokset v7.0 - v7.0.1

Muutokset v6.8 - v7.0

Muutokset v6.7.1 - v6.8

Muutokset v6.7 - v6.7.1

  • Fixed painting issue of the context menu on Windows XP.
  • Advanced Renamer: improved conflict detection.
  • Custom commands: the character @ was added at the end of the file types with the variable @SAVEFILE@.
  • Custom commands: the new variable %INSTALLFOLDERPATH% did not work for the file path of the program.

Muutokset v6.5 - v6.6

  • Improved the custom commands of type "Run program". A new option added to enter recursively in the subfolders when the custom command is configured to secuential execution.
  • Folder Size: in FileMenu Tools 6.5 was added the analysis of hard links. So the real size in disk is calculated correctly if a file has referenced several hard links. The disadvantage is the process is slower. Therefore now is possible to choose if analyze the hard links or not.
  • Fixed bug in Change Time: in specific time zones may exist a offset of one hour.
  • Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: when renaming folders recursively a message box was displayed continuously because the renamed folder was not found.
  • Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: did not convert correctly to lower case or upper case with special characters like áåöä, ÁÅÖÄ.
  • Fixed bug in Sync Folders: the time of target files was not changed correctly and therefore always the origin files was detected as modified files.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Muutokset v6.4 - v6.5

  • The languages can be downloaded or updated from the application. You now do not need to go to website to download your language and install it manually.
  • Command Line From Here: this command will be run as administrator if either the key CTRL or the key SHIFT are pressed.
  • Attributes: added a new option to show/hide the file extensions.
  • Size of Folders: now takes into account the hard links and therefore calculates correctly the real size in disk when a file has several hard links referenced into the folder or subfolders.
  • Fixed bug in Change Time: does not read correctly the time of folders.
  • Improvements in custom commands:
  • You can create a copy of the custom commands or a complete submenu.
  • Now you can specify relative paths for the executable files. If the full path is not specified, then the file is searched into the folders in PATH environment variable.
  • The variable @OPENFILE@ lets you now select several files.
  • The variables @OPENFILE@ and @SAVEFILE@ can be configured to specify the file types displayed in the dialog box.
  • Improvements in Advanced Renamer:
  • Added new variables to insert into the file name:
  • Added two new conversion types:
  • Encode to URL format. The special characters will be converted to %XX
  • Decode from URL format. The special characters will be decoded from the form %XX
  • Now the preview is updated automatically and is more efficient than in previous versions

Muutokset v6.3 - v6.4

Muutokset v6.2 - v6.3

  • FileMenu Tools can automatically check for new versions (never, every day, every week and every month). This can be configured from "Options" menu.
  • Advanced Renamer: two new variables to add in the file name: RANDOM and SEQ.
  • RANDOM adds a random string.
  • SEQ adds a numeric sequence, starting in 1.
  • Two new variables for the arguments of the custom commands: RELPATH y FOLDERNAME.
  • RELPATH adds the path of the parent folder without the drive letter.
  • FOLDERNAME adds the name of the parent folder.
  • Calculate and Verify Checksums: now the checksums can be appended to a existing file.
  • Fixed bug in Change Time: an error was displayed when the time was near to 24:00.

Muutokset v6.1.3 - v6.2

  • New tool: Delete Empty Folders. This tool deletes recursively all the empty subfolders that the selected folder contains.
  • Improved Size of Folders: your can see the top file list in order of size.
  • Improved Calculate and Verify Checksums: now you can save all the checksums in an only file and verify the checksums from an only checksum file. The checksum file now have a format compatible with third-party checksum apps.
  • Improved Copy Internet Path: now you can specify the schema (http, ftp, etc.) and the hostname, and replace the base folder with other base folder in the server.
  • Fixed bug in custom commands: the variables TARGET... did not work correctly with shortcuts.
  • Fixed bug in Change Time: in summertime the file time was changed with a delay of one hour.
  • Fixed bug in Attributes: show/hide hidden files did not work correctly.
  • Fixed bug in Send to Mail Recipient: did not work with 64bit systems.

Muutokset v6.1.2 - v6.1.3

  • Now the windows displayed by the FMT commands are not modals, so your can continue using the Windows Explorer.
  • Size of Folders: improved the appearance of the pie chart.
  • Size of Folders: now ignores the symbolic links, because they does not take space in the hard disk.
  • Fixed bug in Attributes: show/hide the hidden files did not work on Windows XP.
  • Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: when specifing the time in regular expressions, only the time of the first file was used for all files.
  • Fixed bug: The windows of both Calculate Checksum and Size of Folders cannot be closed with ESC key.

Muutokset v6.1 - v6.1.2

  • Copy Content: now it works with multiple files at once.
  • Fixed bug: on both Windows 7 and Windows Vista the commands did not work with more than 16 files selected in Windows Explorer when the visual styles are disabled.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Muutokset v6.0.1 - v6.1

  • Added support to run FileMenu Tools from portable devices. You can download FileMenu Tools Portable from the download page. From the FileMenu Tools configurator you can export the settings to a INI file into the folder where FileMenu Tools Portable is installed, so you can use FileMenu Tools Portable with your current settings. You must copy the INI file to a file named "settings.ini" into the folder "[drive]\PortableApps\FileMenuTools\Data". FileMenu Tools Portable is compatible with both launchers and CodySafe, and therefore FileMenu Tools will be displayed automatically in the app listing in these launchers.
  • Added new utility: Unpack Folder. This utility moves all the elements into the selected folders to the parent folder, and deletes these empty folders.
  • Added a new property for all the commands: Modifier Key. This property is available for all the commands (both built-in commands and custom commands). With this property you can set a modifier key for the command, and the command only will be showed in the context menu if this key is pressed while the menu is displaying. So you can assign a key for less commonly used commands, and by default the context menu displays only frequently used commands. The key can be any of the following: SHIFT, CONTROL, or WINDOWS. If you set this property to "None" (default), then the command always will be displayed in the context menu.
  • Added a new variable for custom commands: %PARENTPATH%. This variable is the parent folder path which is common to all the selected elements. The variable %FOLDERPATH% now is the selected folder path, if only a element is selected and is a folder, else is equal to %PARENTPATH% (common parent path).
  • Minor bug fixes.

Muutokset v6.0 - v6.0.1

  • Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: did not work on Windows XP.

Muutokset v5.8.1 - v6.0

  • Fixed bug in Copy To and Move To: the Windows Explorer crashed when a folder was created.
  • Fixed bug in custom commands: when asking for arguments, the application was run if the "Cancel" button was pushed.
  • Fixed bug in configuration window: when the name of a custom command was been edited and other command was selected, then this command got the same name which was been edited.
  • Fixed bug in Split Files: the parts were not correctly joined.
  • Fixed bug in Shredder: didn't work correctly with small files.
  • Fixed bug in Create New Folder: create new folder into UNC paths did not work.
  • Split Files: now the number of parts is calculated automatically, and it is not necessary to push the Update button
  • New utility: Create Symbolic Link. This utility lets you create symbolic links referenced to the selected elements. Only it works on Windows Vista and later.
  • New utility: Calculate and Verify Checksum. This utility lets you verify the integrity of files by calculating their checksums. It supports the following algorithms: MD5, SHA1.
  • Custom commands: by default the initial folder is the parent folder when only a folder is selected in the Windows Explorer.
  • Custom commands: added new property Run as administrator. If this property is checked, then the program is run with administrator privileges. This is useful on Windows Vista and Windows 7 when UAC (User Account Control) is activated and the program needs perform changes in the machine which require administrator privileges.
  • Added the following improvements in Advanced Renamer:
  • It is possible to rename recusively into subfolders.
  • Now the preview is not updated automatically, because it was very slow with a lot files. A new button has been added in order to update the preview manually.
  • Include specific tags of photos: width, height, captured date and captured time.
  • Include specific tags of MP3 files (ID3 tags): title, artist, album, year, genre, track, comment, length, bitrate and sample rate.
  • Only for Windows 7: the Windows Explorer icon on the taskbar displays now a progress bar when an action of FileMenu Tools displays a progress bar. So you can see the progress when the Windows Explorer is not the foreground window.
  • Copy Internet Path: standarized the Internet path. The character / is used instead of \, and also the special characters are replaced with the hexadecimal value.

Muutokset v5.7 - v5.8.1

Muutokset v6.6 - v6.7

  • Added option to custom commands to convert the paths in arguments to URL format.
  • Improved Create New Folder: multiple folders may be created at the same time and variables may be specified for the folder name.
  • Pack to Folder: several folder levels may be specified with the backslash character.
  • Advanced Renamer: the profiles are sort alphabetically.
  • Copy to: the modification time of the copied folders is kept.
  • Added variable %INSTALLFOLDERPATH% for the custom commands. This variable is the full path where FileMenu Tools is installed.
  • Improved Delete empty folders: the system protected folders are ignored.
  • Improved Delete empty folders: you may set if ignore the hidden files.
  • Fixed bug in Copy Internet Path: when the scheme was "file", then a slash was added at the end incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug in Split files: did not work properly for files with little size.
  • Fixed bug in Change Time: the time of selected folders was not changed, only the subfolders.
  • Minor bug fixes.

<<Takaisin ohjelman lataussivulle

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