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Ohjelman englanninkielinen lyhyt kuvaus
Bestimate is a freeware tool that lets you keep track of specific goals you wish to achieve in a given time period, which you can compare to your actual results.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen lyhyt kuvaus

Ohjelman englanninkielinen pitkä kuvaus
Bestimate is a freeware tool that lets you keep track of specific goals you wish to achieve in a given time period, which you can compare to your actual results, developed by skwire.

Add items like "Number of pages I will write this week" or "Number of pounds I will lose this month", and provide your predicted/promised values.

at the end of the time period, record your actual achieved values. Bestimate keeps track of how far off you were from your initial prediction/promise. The whole aim of the tool is to help you become more accurate and realistic about your predictions and promises.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen pitkä kuvaus

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Toimiiko ohjelma koneessani?

64-bit, 32-bit, Windows 10, Portable, Windows XP, Vista, ...

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