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Ohjelman englanninkielinen lyhyt kuvaus
Ultra Shutdown is a utility that you can use to schedule shutdown, restart, standby and locking in Windows.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen lyhyt kuvaus

Ohjelman englanninkielinen pitkä kuvaus
Ultra Shutdown is a simple tool to schedule tasks in Windows.

It can be used to schedule a system shutdown, system restart, standby or to lock the system. It is protected by a password so that users cannot change settings without it.

It can also schedule cleanup of cache and history in Windows while carrying out a shutdown or another operation.

This download provides a 14-day trial. The full version costs $7 at time of writing.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen pitkä kuvaus

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64-bit, 32-bit, Windows 10, Portable, Windows XP, Vista, ...

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