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Ohjelman englanninkielinen lyhyt kuvaus
Clipboard Saver is a clipboard extender for Windows that gives you more control over the clipboard.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen lyhyt kuvaus

Ohjelman englanninkielinen pitkä kuvaus
Clipboard Saver is a clipboard extender for Windows that gives you more control over the clipboard.

For instance, you can save the contents of the clipboard into clipboard saver and then copy it back to the clipboard later. The tool displays a list of recent clipboard contents to make this easy.

Additionally, it can also automatically save a screenshot taken by pressing the PrintScr key to a file on disk, and you can even resize your image before saving.

NOTE: The developer provides this tool for free, so if you use it then consider dropping by the homepage to leave a donation.

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64-bit, 32-bit, Windows 10, Portable, Windows XP, Vista, ...

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