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Ohjelman englanninkielinen lyhyt kuvaus
Avast Decryption Tool for BadBlock can decrypt files that have been encrypted by variants of the BadBlock ransomware.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen lyhyt kuvaus

Ohjelman englanninkielinen pitkä kuvaus
Avast Decryption Tool for BadBlock can decrypt files that have been encrypted by variants of the BadBlock ransomware.

BadBlock does not rename your files. It prompts a message after encrypting your files with a dark red background explaining how to pay your ransom to have your files decrypted.

With this tool you won't need to pay a ransom, but you will need an unencrypted copy (original copy) of a file, and the encrypted version, for this to work. You may find an original file in a cloud backup, or perhaps a picture on your phone / camera, or a song on your iPod. Once you locate a version that is not encrypted you can use that with an encrypted version and through this tool decrypt all of your files.

The tool is provided for free by the good folks at Avast!

NOTE: For 64-bit Windows, download Avast Decryption Tool for BadBlock (64-bit) instead.

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