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Ohjelman englanninkielinen lyhyt kuvaus
Copy Path to Clipboard adds a right-click option to copy the path to files, URLs etc.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen lyhyt kuvaus

Ohjelman englanninkielinen pitkä kuvaus
Copy Path to Clipboard adds a right-click option to copy the path to files, URLs etc.

Key Features:

  • Copy the Full Path, Filename, Relative Path, URL Path, Parent Foder Path, UNC Path of selected Files or Folders.
  • Free download application features.If multiple files or folders are selected, then you can create a list, either space or new line character separated of the paths.
  • Free download application features.Copy the path in URL format relative to another base directory (e.g. your site root directory).
  • Free download application features.Copy the path that shortcut files are pointing to.
  • Free download application features.Copy the UNC path of remote files or folders.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen pitkä kuvaus

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64-bit, 32-bit, Windows 10, Portable, Windows XP, Vista, ...

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