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Ohjelman englanninkielinen lyhyt kuvaus
Avast Decryption Tool for HiddenTear can recover files that have been encrypted by the HiddenTear ransomware.

Ohjelman suomenkielinen lyhyt kuvaus

Ohjelman englanninkielinen pitkä kuvaus
Avast Decryption Tool for HiddenTear can recover files that have been encrypted by the HiddenTear ransomware.

According to Avast, encrypted files will have one of the following extensions (but not limited to): .locked, .34xxx, .bloccato, .BUGSECCCC, .Hollycrypt, .lock, .saeid, .unlockit, .razy, .mecpt, .monstro, .lok, .암호화됨, .8lock8, .fucked, .flyper, .kratos, .krypted, .CAZZO, .doomed.

NOTE: In order to decrypt the files you need to have at least one original copy of any file encrypted by HiddenTear. For example, if you have a photo encrypted by HiddenTear and also have an original copy of that image file on a phone or camera, you can use the original file as an unencrypted copy. Likewise, if you have a Word document or something on a portable USB device or SD card, and the same file was encrypted by the ransomware on your PC then you can usde the original as an unencrypted copy. You may also want to try applications that scan for, and recover, deleted files in Windows which may help you to find an original file.

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